Koncert Kierunek: Północ. Taake + Asagraum + Heimland w Gdańsku - Klub koncertowy B90

Kierunek: Północ. Taake + Asagraum + Heimland

Every year we try to shorten the wait for Mystic Festival – reminder: this year from June 4 to 7! – with a unique tour, and this time we encourage you to turn your eyes to the North.


Already in April, under the banner of Direction: North, there will be the Polish leg of the Doedskvad European Tour 2025, headlined by Taake, the guardians of black metal flame from Norway for three decades. Their concert, will be based primarily on the presentation of “Hordalands doedskvad,” the group’s iconic third album, released two decades ago. Before Taake, we will see performances by the witches of Asagraum and Heimland, a group that confirms that in Norway black metal is not only history, but also the future.


Direction: North will visit three cities:


23.04 – Bielsko Biala – Rude Boy Club

24.04 – Lublin – Zgrzyt

26.04 – Gdansk – B90


Tickets in the first pool will cost PLN 99.

The second pool – 109 zlotys.

The price of tickets on the day of the concert is 120 PLN.


Ticket sales will start from Thursday, February 27 on the eBilet website, starting at 10:00 am.

On April 26, before the Direction: North concert at B90, a concert finale of the Road To Mystic contest will take place at the Drizzly Grizzly club (the same club that transforms into the Sabbath Stage at the festival), just behind the wall. Four bands will perform, and the one that most appeals to the jury will receive an invitation to Mystic Festival 2025, and its music will be presented on Antyradio. The competition performances will be judged by a jury consisting of: Adam Brzezinski, Bartosz Cieślak, Jaroslaw Anzhellmo Giers, Agata Hudomięt and Jarek Szubrycht.


Admission to the Road to Mystic finale is free, come! We start at 3:00 pm.


Partner of the competition is the ZAiKS Authors Association


Learn and understand the world of copyright law: https://akademia.zaiks.org.pl


The contest is co-organized by Antyradio.

Kierunek: Północ. Taake + Asagraum + Heimland

46 days until the event

from 99 PLN


  • 12.04.


    32 days until the event

  • 04.06.


    84 days until the event

  • 15.11.


    249 days until the event

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