Tymek Papior - Klub koncertowy B90

Tymek Papior

Tymek Papior is a versatile Polish musician known for his skills as a percussionist, multi-instrumentalist, composer, and producer. He began his musical journey at the age of 7, initially learning the button accordion in music school. However, his passion for percussion led him to switch instruments, and he graduated from high school as a classical percussionist.


By the age of 16, Tymek started performing with top musicians, mainly within jazz circles. Initially, he played as a sideman and later led his own quartet, which notably opened the 26th edition of the Jazz Jantar festival. His interest in experimental electronic music and production eventually saw him performing solo, utilizing prepared percussion and electronics.


In 2023, Tymek released his solo EP titled “Wind EP” and collaborated with Wują HZG on the single “Truffles Attack” from the album “Portraits 2” under Uknowmerecords. In 2024, he released a duo album named “Lumbago” with Wują HZG, showcasing his continuous evolution in blending jazz with electronic music​.
