FRONTSIDE - Klub koncertowy B90


Frontside is a Polish metal band formed in 1993 in Sosnowiec. The group is known for blending hardcore, metal, and death metal to create a unique and heavy sound. Their work often touches on themes of religion, politics, and human weaknesses, reflected in their intense and sometimes controversial lyrics. Frontside gained popularity thanks to their energetic live performances and standout albums, such as “Zmierzch bogów” and “I odpuść nam nasze winy.” The band is considered one of the most important acts on the Polish metal scene.


“Our Is Kingdom…” (2000)
“Nasze jest królestwo, potęga i chwała na wieki” (2001)
“I odpuść nam nasze winy” (2002)
“Zmierzch bogów – Pierwszy krok do mentalnej rewolucji” (2004)
“Twilight of the Gods: A First Step to the Mental Revolution” (2005)
“Absolut królestwo” (2006)
“Teoria konspiracji” (2008)
“Sprawa jest osobista” (2010)
“Zmartwychwstanie” (2014)
“Prawie martwy” (2018)


“Legendy metalu” (2007)
“Broń masowego rażenia” (2009)


“Nasze jest królestwo” (2001)
“Martwe słowa” (2002)
“Wspomnienia jak relikwie” (2002)
“Symfonia Piekielna” (2004)
“Bezsilność” (2008)
“Lubię pić” (2010)
“Nie ma miłości” (2014)
“Zapalnik” (2018)