Regulations - Klub koncertowy B90
  1. These Regulations define the terms and conditions for participation in events organized at the B90 Club, located at ul. Doki 1 in Gdańsk, within the former Gdańsk Shipyard premises.

  2. These Regulations have been prepared in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

  3. These Regulations are issued by the Event Organizer – Sopocka Odessa Ewa Hronowska, with its registered office in Sopot (81-759), at ul. Bohaterów Monte Cassino 54, Tax Identification Number (NIP): 585 133 63 52, National Business Registry Number (REGON): 810475070 (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”).

  4. Entering the Event area implies familiarity with and acceptance of these Regulations.

  5. The terms used in these Regulations are defined as follows:

    1. 1) Ticket – the right to participate in the Event, exchanged by the Organizer for a Wristband.
    2. 2) Wristband – an individual identifier exchanged for a Ticket.
    3. 3) Event Area – the location where the Event takes place (B90 Club, ul. Doki 1, Gdańsk).
    4. 4) Facility Regulations – the conditions for staying and using the facility, including the equipment within, as well as any prohibitions on entry to areas not intended for the public, issued by the facility owner.
    5. 5) Safety Supervisor – a person appointed by the Organizer to represent them in ensuring the safety of Event Participants.
    6. 6) Information Service – individuals subject to the Safety Supervisor, appointed by the Organizer, possessing the proper identification provided by the Organizer.
    7. 7) Security Service – individuals subject to the Safety Supervisor, appointed by the Organizer, with a valid license as a physical security worker, as described in Article 26 or 27 of the Act of August 22, 1997, on the protection of persons and property (ustawa z dnia 22 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie osób i mienia (Dz. U. z 2005 r. Nr 145, poz. 1221,
      ze zm.), and possessing the proper identification provided by the Organizer.
§ 2. Entry to the Event Area
  1. Entry to the Event area is permitted to individuals holding a valid form of identification, a Ticket, and who are at least 18 years of age.

  2. Depending on the type of Event, the organizer may allow individuals under 18 to participate. In such cases, individuals who are at least 13 years old (but under 18 years old) on the day of the event may enter with written consent from their parents or legal guardians. The consent form is available on the club’s regulations website. Individuals who are under 13 years old on the day of the event may only enter with adult supervision as designated by their parents or legal guardians and with their written consent. The consent form is available on the club’s regulations website. The consent form can be downloaded here –Consent for ages up to 13 PL / Consent for ages up to 13 EN / Consent for ages above 13 PL / Consent for ages above 13 EN.

  3. Participants are aware that the Organizer may request proof of identity.

  4. Participants acknowledge that, upon their first entry to the Event, the Ticket will be exchanged for a Wristband by the Organizer. The Wristband is permanently attached to the participant’s wrist. Only one person may use a Wristband. Removing the Wristband from the wrist, except within the Event area, is equivalent to resigning from the Event. To avoid any doubts, damaging or removing the Wristband from the wrist outside the Event area is also considered a resignation from the Event. The Organizer will replace a Wristband only if it was damaged or removed within the Event area.

  5. The Organizer may refuse entry to the Event for individuals:

    1. 1) Without a Ticket or Wristband.
    2. 2) Without valid identification.
    3. 3) Under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    4. 4) Wearing attire that hinders recognition (e.g., balaclavas).
    5. 5) Whose behavior disrupts order, is aggressive, or poses a threat to safety and the order of the Event.

  6. The Organizer ensures:

    1. 1) Compliance with the requirements specified, especially in building regulations, sanitary regulations, and fire protection regulations.
    2. 2) The participation of security services, information services, and the appointment of a safety supervisor.
    3. 3) Hygienic-sanitary facilities.
    4. 4) Designation of evacuation routes and roads for emergency and police vehicle access.
    5. 5) Conditions for establishing communication between entities involved in Event security.
    6. 6) Firefighting equipment and extinguishing agents necessary for Event security in terms of rescue and firefighting activities.
    7. 7) Designated premises for the services directing Event security.
  1. Event Participants are obliged to comply with the orders and instructions of the Security Services.

  2. Security Services personnel, identifiable by an identification badge issued by the Organizer and placed in a visible location, are authorized according to the provisions of the Act to:

    1. Verify and confirm the right to participate in the Event, and in case of a lack of such rights, request them to leave the Event.
    2. Identify Participants to determine their identity.
    3. Inspect the contents of Participants’ baggage and clothing, in case there is a suspicion that Participants may be carrying or possessing items as mentioned in section 4 below.
    4. Issue disciplinary orders to Participants who disrupt public order or behave contrary to the Regulations or Facility Regulations, and in case of non-compliance with these orders, request them to leave the Event.
    5. Detain individuals who pose a direct threat to the goods entrusted to security or engage in prohibited activities, for immediate transfer to the Police.
    6. Use physical force in the form of immobilizing holds and similar protective techniques in case of a threat to the goods entrusted to security or to repel an attack on a representative of the Security Services or another person, as specified in Article 38 of the Act of August 22, 1997, on the protection of persons and property (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1995).

  3. Event Participants are required to behave in a manner that does not jeopardize the safety of others and in particular, to adhere to the provisions of the Event Regulations.

  4. Participants are prohibited from bringing and possessing the following items at the Event:
    1. Weapons or other dangerous objects.
    2. Explosive materials, pyrotechnic articles.
    3. Materials posing a fire hazard.
    4. Alcoholic beverages.
    5. Narcotics or psychotropic substances.
    6. Food, beverages, and all liquids.
    7. Sealed packages and parcels.
    8. Professional audio or video recording equipment (to have the ability to take photos at the concert, you can apply for accreditation for photographers:

  5. The following actions are prohibited on the Event premises:

    1. Bringing animals.
    2. Entering with bicycles, rollerblades, or skateboards.
    3. Engaging in any commercial, advertising, acquisition, or fundraising activities without the Organizer’s consent.
    4. Climbing or passing through buildings and facilities not intended for public use (e.g., fences, walls, masts, poles, roofs).
    5. Entering areas not intended for spectators (e.g., backstage area, service rooms).
    6. Throwing any objects.
    7. Writing on buildings, walls, equipment, roads, painting, or covering them.
    8. Littering the Event area.

  6. Participants acknowledge that alcoholic beverages will be sold, served, and consumed at the Event.

  7. The sale, serving, and consumption of alcoholic beverages will take place only in designated areas.
  1. Participants who violate safety and order regulations on the Event premises will be subject to criminal-administrative liability.

  2. Participants are responsible for any damages or destruction of property caused by their fault.

  3. Participants who breach the provisions of these Regulations will be removed from the Event premises or handed over to the police.

  4. Participants are aware that, in the event of removal from the Event premises, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations or the Act, they are not entitled to a refund of the Ticket fee, the cost of attending the Event, or any other claims.

  5. Participants are aware that:

    1. 1) Failure to comply with a disciplinary order issued based on the Act or the Regulations by the Organizer or the Security Services may result in arrest, restriction of liberty, or a fine.
    2. 2) Bringing or possessing weapons, other dangerous objects, explosive materials, pyrotechnic articles, or materials posing a fire hazard at the Event may result in arrest or restriction of liberty.

  6. Event Participants are obliged to follow social distancing rules in accordance with applicable regulations, guidelines, or recommendations from relevant government authorities, as well as the Organizer’s Epidemic Safety Guidelines.

  7. Event Participants should avoid staying at the Event premises in case of feeling unwell or experiencing symptoms of illness (elevated body temperature, dry cough).
  1. Visual recording devices (video surveillance) are installed on the club premises.

  2. The administrator of the video surveillance system is Ewa Hronowska conducting business activities under the name Sopocka Odessa Ewa Hronowska, with its registered office in Sopot (81-759), at ul. Bohaterów Monte Cassino 54, tax identification number (NIP): 585 133 63 52, National Business Registry Number (REGON): 810475070, email:, tel. 453 617 091.

  3. We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (responsible person for the proper processing of personal data). Contact information for the data protection officer: email: or in writing to our registered office address.

  4. The surveillance system is installed for the following purposes:
    1. Increasing the safety of customers and employees,
    2. Supervising property,
    3. Limiting unwanted, destructive, health-endangering behaviors of customers, employees, and individuals entering the club premises,
    4. Restricting access to the club and its premises by unauthorized and unwanted persons.

  5. The surveillance system covers:
    1. Three bars located on the club premises,
    2. The hall below the stage.

  6. Data from the surveillance system includes:
    1. The time and place of the events covered by monitoring.
    2. Images of individuals and their behavior.

  7. Video surveillance does not cover sanitary facilities, changing rooms, or social rooms.

  8. Recordings containing personal data that can identify individuals are processed by the Administrator only for the purposes for which they were collected and are stored for a period of 2 weeks from the date of recording.

  9. After the period mentioned in point 8, video recordings from the surveillance are subject to destruction (erasure by overwriting), unless they have been secured.

  10. In cases where video recordings are considered evidence in a legal proceeding under the law, or the Club becomes aware that they may be used as evidence, the term referred to in point 8 is extended until the conclusion of the proceeding.

  11. Surveillance footage can be made available for viewing with the consent of the Administrator to individuals appearing in the recording for the purpose of assessing situations related to property damage, bodily harm, and other incidents related to violations of the law.

  12. Any individual interested in securing monitoring data for future proceedings may submit a written request to the Administrator to secure the data before the standard storage period expires.

  13. The request mentioned in point 12 must be submitted within 14 days from the date on which the event may have occurred and must include the exact date, approximate time, and location of the event. If a request is made after the specified deadline or without the provided data, there will be no possibility of locating the correct recording.

  14. The person responsible for the technical maintenance of the surveillance system prepares a copy of the recording based on the request submitted by the interested party.

  15. A copy of the recording made based on the request, as mentioned in point 12, is secured for a period not exceeding 6 months from the time of recording and can only be made available to authorized institutions under the provisions of the law.

  16. Surveillance recordings may be copied to an external disk and provided only to authorized institutions for the purpose of carrying out legal actions, such as the police, courts, and the prosecutor’s office.
  1. Commercial names, titles, descriptions, or trademarks presented during the Event are legally protected.

  2. This Regulation is available on the website

  3. Matters not covered by these Regulations are subject to the relevant provisions of the law, in particular the Act.

  4. The Organizer may amend these Regulations at any time, and they come into effect upon their publication on the website

  5. Any disputes arising from the implementation of the provisions of this Regulation will be considered by a common court, the jurisdiction of which will be determined according to the provisions of the Act of November 17, 1964, the Code of Civil Procedure (ustawa z dnia 17 listopada 1964 r. Kodeks postępowania cywilnego (t.j. Dz. U. z 2023 r. poz. 1550 z późn. zm.).