Ulica elektryków - Klub koncertowy B90

Terms And Conditions of Electricians Street

§1 General decisions

1. Electricians Street, later called the Venue, is a space that is not a public road, located at Electricians Street (80- 980 Gdańsk), whose administrative address is Doki 1 street, together with other space by the name of PLENER 33, including plot number 160 from area 68, Księdza Popiełuszki 21 street, in Gdańsk, registered in Land Registry as number: KW GD1G/00089887/1; so called PLENUM, including part of building number B90 (1st floor) of 2700 m2 area, located in Gdańsk at Doki 1 street, constituting a plot of land number 160, for which District Court, Gdańsk – North, keeps a perpetual book, KW GD1G/00089887/1, as well as W4, which is building number 33 B of 2733 m2 area, for which District Court, Gdańsk- North, department of Land and Mortgage Registration keeps a perpetual book number: GD1G/00307668/5.

2. The Venue is managed and administrated by Square Ltd, located in Gdańsk (80-863) at Doki 1 street, NIP: 5833402334, REGON:
386581868, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs by District Court, Gdańsk- North, VII th department of Economy of National Court Register as number KRS 0000850763, later called the Manager

3. Electricians Street is a place where social, sports, recreational and cultural events are organized as well as conferences, exhibitions, fairs, mass events and other enterprises later called Events. All are subject to decisions of the bill passed on 20 03 2009 about the safety of mass events (t.j. Dz.U. z 2018 r., poz. 1870, z późn. zm.), later called the Bill, .

4. The following Terms and Conditions regard the entire Venue.

5. The Landlord of the Venue, or its part(s), Organizers of Events, participants and other people remaining at the Venue are absolutely obliged to follow decisions of the following Terms and Conditions as well as other instructions in effect at the premises of the Venue. The Organizers of mass Events, as well as participants of mass events, are additionally obliged to adhere to the Bill with its executive acts issued on the basis of this Bill.

6. Ticketed and non- ticketed events take place at the Venue

7. Admission to the Venue is given to individuals and organized groups.

8. The Venue might be equipped with a CCTV system, the system enables to record:
   a. Images of each person at the Venue

   b. The course of events

   c. Surveillance of technical, administration and rented rooms as well as the ones inaccessible by participants.

9. By entering the Event participants accept being recorded for the purposes of the Landlord and the Organizer of the Event. CCTV footage can be the basis for holding individuals breaking Terms and Conditions liable.

10. A security company, hired by the Manager, whose employees wear proper uniforms, later called Security, supervise and protect participants and property during Events at the Venue. The range of duties of security workers is regulated by a different contract detailing among others:

   a. Carrying out alarm procedures in situations of danger

   b. Checking the state of security at the Venue

   c. Searching individuals entering the Venue.

   d. Separating participants who don’t adhere to Terms and Conditions

   e. Handing over of individuals disturbing the peace to police

11. The Manager is not responsible for items left unattended at the Venue. Items found at the Venue are subject to the bill of items lost and found as well as civil law.

12. By entering the Venue participants accept Terms and Conditions in effect, the agreement is binding.

13. Decisions included in Terms and Conditions don’t substitute decisions of contracts concerning organization of events or other contracts concerning renting the Venue or its parts, but they are of supplementary character. In case of any disparities, decisions stated in specific contracts are superior.

§2 Terms of entering and staying at the Venue.

1. Adults are entitled to enter the Venue. Minors can remain at the Venue until 22.00, Particular events may allow participants of different ages, then rules concerning a particular event apply.

2. In case of ticketed events, individuals entering the Venue are obliged to show the Security entrance tickets or other documents authorizing entrance.

3. Individuals under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants may not be admitted if they pose a threat to themselves or others.

4. Individuals entering the Venue are obliged to possess a document with a photo proving their identity.

5. Individuals entering the Venue may undergo check of luggage contents, if not, they may be denied access or removed from the Venue

6. The Landlord, Security or the Organizer of the Event, as well as persons appointed by them, may deny access to the Venue to individuals whose presence might pose a threat to safety, order or reputation of the Landlord, the Event Organizer or Titular Sponsor of the Event.

7. Access to the Venue may be limited due to the character of Events and their organization.

§3 Entrance tickets

1. An entrance ticket, invitation, identity badge or other document authorizing admission to a ticketed event entitle to:

    a. Enter the Venue and move about its premises excluding places clearly marked as inaccessible.

   b. Participating in an Event at the time specified by the Organizer.

2. Participants of Events (both ticketed and non-ticketed) are required to:

   a. Show a valid entrance ticket or other document authorizing entrance to the Venue, if required so, and possess it for the duration of the entire Event.

   b. Reveal contents of their luggage, if required

   c. Behave in accordance with commonly held norms, customs and manners, respecting all others.

   d. Immediately report any threats noticed to proper organs or Security.
   e. Adhere to all announcements of the Landlord or the Event Organizer, as well as individuals appointed by them, while remaining at the Venue.

3. All complaints concerning entrance tickets, invitations or other documents authorizing entrance to Events should be reported to the Event Organizer.

§4 Duties of individuals at the Venue:

   a. No narcotics or psychedelic substances.
   b. Alcoholic drinks bought only at the Venue.
   c. No weapons of any kind; knives, chains, truncheons, bats, sticks, machetes or others.
   d. No items posing a threat of being used as a weapon or missile.
   e. No containers with gases, etching substances, poisonous or staining, or other items and devices used for their application
   f. No glass bottles and metal cans
   g. No explosives and fireworks
   h. No instruments and mechanical devices producing excessive sounds and noise.

2. Moreover, participants are not allowed to:

   a. Enter places excluded from general access

   b. Block passages, entrances and fire escapes.

   c. Block traffic routes, emergency exits or access roads for emergency services

   d. Throw any objects, use vulgar or offensive language, behave in an offensive manner, display writings or banners containing offensive, controversial, provocative or racist
material or potentially violating personal wellbeing and emotions of others.

   e. Set fires, light fireworks, firecrackers or flares

   f. Write, draw or paint on walls and devices or stick anything on them.

   g. Bring animals

   h. Litter

   i. Leave baggage and other items unattended

§5 Terms and Conditions Of the Venue during Events:

1. It’s duty of all remaining at the Venue to follow orders given by authorized employees, the Organizer and Security, as well as instructions given by authorized police officers and national fire department.

2. Mass events take place in accordance with regulations listed in the Bill

3. The Organizer is responsible for the order and safety of the Event.

§6 Final decisions

1. Individuals disturbing the peace will be expelled from the Venue

2. In case of discovering damage, the person responsible will be held liable

3. The Landlord reserves the right to change the following Terms and Conditions anytime by publishing information about changes at the Venue and webpage: https://www.b90.pl/pl/ulica-

The following Terms and Conditions are accessible at the premises of the Venue, the Landlord’s webpage and their social media